Ticket #8246: web.patch

File web.patch, 2.3 KB (added by Kirben, 21 years ago)

Compatibility list update

  • compatibility.php

    RCS file: /cvsroot/scummvm/web/compatibility.php,v
    retrieving revision 1.162
    diff -u -r1.162 compatibility.php
    5555// This Array Defines the games and thier ratings, etc.
    5656$games = array(
    57                 'Maniac Mansion (C64)'                                  => array('1','maniac64','5'),
    58                 'Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (C64)'         => array('1','zak64','0'),
    5957                'Maniac Mansion'                                        => array('2','maniac','53'),
    6058                'Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders'               => array('2','zak','53'),
    6159                'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'                    => array('3','indy3ega','80'),
    9997              );
    10199$notes = array(
    102 "maniac64"      => "Crashes when the next room is entered".
    103                    "<br>- No actors shown".
    104                    "<br>- No music or sound effects",
    105 "zak64"         => "Not at all implemented yet - ScummVM doesn't understand the non-blocked LFL format. Try Zak256 version",
    106 "maniac"        => "Enhanced version runs, although in-game there are still many things wrong".
    107                    "<br>- Both Amiga and enchanced PC versions supported by this target".
    108                    "<br>- No music or sound effects with Amiga version",
    109 "zak"           => "Enhanced version runs, although in-game there are still many things wrong".
    110                    "<br>- Both Amiga and enchanced PC versions supported by this target".
    111                    "<br>- No music or sound effects with Amiga version",
     100"maniac"        => "Enhanced PC version runs, although in-game there are still many things wrong".
     101                => "Classic PC version crashes when entering the next room".
     102                   "<br>- Both Amiga and PC versions supported by this target".
     103                   "<br>- No actors shown in Classic PC version".
     104                   "<br>- No music or sound effects with Amiga and Classic PC versions",
     105"zak"           => "Enhanced PC version runs, although in-game there are still many things wrong".
     106                => "Classic PC version is untested".
     107                   "<br>- Both Amiga and PC versions supported by this target".
     108                   "<br>- No actors shown in Classic PC version".
     109                   "<br>- No music or sound effects with Amiga and Classic PC versions",
    112110"indy3ega"      => "Game is completable".
    113111                   "<br>- Both Amiga (Use Amiga option) and PC versions supported by this target".
    114112                   "<br>- No music or sound effects with Amiga version",