1 | 59c59
2 | < SDL_Rect tmpBlackRect; // Black rectangle at end of the GL screen
3 | ---
4 | > SDL_Rect tmpBlackRect; // Bottom black border
5 | 61a62
6 | > int _glBorderHeight; // Used if using black borders
7 | 80c81
8 | < _glBilinearFilter = true;
9 | ---
10 | > _glBilinearFilter = false;
11 | 82a84
12 | > _glBorderHeight = 0; // Forces _glScreenStart to always be 0
13 | 170c172
14 | < _scaleFactor = _usingOpenGL ? 2 : 1;
15 | ---
16 | > _scaleFactor = 1; //_usingOpenGL ? 2 : 1;
17 | 180c182
18 | < if (_mode != GFX_NORMAL)
19 | ---
20 | > if (_mode != GFX_NORMAL) {
21 | 182c184,185
22 | <
23 | ---
24 | > }
25 | >
26 | 199a203,215
27 | >
28 | > // Note: Our GL screen is vertically stretched (yfix = 15).
29 | > // That makes visible only 320x240 of the GL screen.
30 | > // 320x240 visible in GL screen => yfix = 15
31 | > // 320x200 visible in GL screen => yfix = 72
32 | > int yfix = 15;
33 | > _glBorderHeight = 0;
34 | > if (_screenHeight == 200) {
35 | > // If we are not using borders, we want 320x200 visible
36 | > yfix = _glScreenStart? 15: 72;
37 | > // 20 (top) + 200 (height) + 20 (bottom) = 240
38 | > _glBorderHeight = 20;
39 | > }
40 | 201,202c217
41 | < fb2gl.init(_glWindow.w, _glWindow.h, 0, _glScreenStart? 15: 70,
42 | < _glFlags);
43 | ---
44 | > fb2gl.init(_glWindow.w, _glWindow.h, 0, yfix, _glFlags);
45 | 339a355
46 | > // Top black border
47 | 342c358
48 | < _glScreenStart,
49 | ---
50 | > 0, // _glScreenStart,
51 | 419c435
52 | < if (!(_full_screen) && (tmpBlackRect.h > 0)) {
53 | ---
54 | > if (_adjustAspectRatio && tmpBlackRect.h > 0) {
55 | 565c581,599
56 | < _glScreenStart = 20;
57 | ---
58 | > _glScreenStart = _glBorderHeight;
59 | > // Top black border
60 | > SDL_Rect blackrect = {
61 | > 0,
62 | > 0, // _glScreenStart,
63 | > _screenWidth,
64 | > _newShakePos + _glScreenStart
65 | > };
66 | >
67 | > SDL_FillRect(tmpSurface, &blackrect, 0);
68 | > fb2gl.blit16(tmpSurface, 1, &blackrect, 0, 0);
69 | >
70 | > // Bottom black border
71 | > int _glBottomOfGameScreen = _screenHeight +
72 | > _glScreenStart + _currentShakePos;
73 | >
74 | > tmpBlackRect.h = _glBottomOfTexture -
75 | > _glBottomOfGameScreen;
76 | >
77 | 567c601,602
78 | < fb2gl.blit16(tmpSurface, 1, &tmpBlackRect, 0, 0);
79 | ---
80 | > fb2gl.blit16(tmpSurface, 1, &tmpBlackRect, 0,
81 | > _glBottomOfGameScreen);
82 | 570c605
83 | < fb2gl.init(0, 0, 0, 70, _glFlags);
84 | ---
85 | > fb2gl.init(0, 0, 0, 72, _glFlags);
86 | 574,575c609,610
87 | < SDL_Rect full = {0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight};
88 | < fb2gl.blit16(_tmpscreen, 1, &full, 0, _glScreenStart);
89 | ---
90 | > SDL_Rect redraw = {0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight};
91 | > fb2gl.blit16(_tmpscreen, 1, &redraw, 0, _glScreenStart);
92 | 589a625,626
93 | > _scaleFactor = 1;
94 | > _scaler_proc = Normal1x;
95 | 605c642,643
96 | < if (_usingOpenGL)
97 | ---
98 | > if (_usingOpenGL) {
99 | > _glBilinearFilter = false;
100 | 606a645
101 | > }
102 | 611,613c650,652
103 | < if (_usingOpenGL) {
104 | < SDL_Rect full = {0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight};
105 | < fb2gl.blit16(_tmpscreen, 1, &full, 0, _glScreenStart);
106 | ---
107 | > /* if (_usingOpenGL) {
108 | > SDL_Rect redraw = {0, 0, _screenWidth, _screenHeight};
109 | > fb2gl.blit16(_tmpscreen, 1, &redraw, 0, _glScreenStart);
110 | 615c654
111 | < }
112 | ---
113 | > }*/
114 | 622d660
115 | <