Ticket #8319: MacCDScummVM-HOWTO.html

File MacCDScummVM-HOWTO.html, 3.7 KB (added by SF/jonner, 20 years ago)
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7<title>Mac CD ScummVM HOWTO</title>
10<h1>Mac CD ScummVM HOWTO</h1>
12<p>This is a rough description of how to use your Macintosh CD
13version of a classic LucasArts game with ScummVM on Win32. I have
14tested this procedure with "Sam &amp; Max Hit the Road Macintosh
15CD-ROM" on Windows 2000 Professional. Your mileage may vary with
16other titles or versions of Windows.</p>
18<p>You will need the "Windows Installer" and "ScummVM Tools Windows
19Installer" from the <a href=
20"http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/downloads.php">download page</a>.
21To copy the game data file from the CD to your hard disc, you will
22need <a href=
23"http://gamma.nic.fi/~lpesonen/HFVExplorer/">HFVExplorer</a>. Make
24sure you get the "HFV Explorer installer" rather than the zip
26<p>You should be running as Administrator to install all of the
27tools. Everything else should work as a normal user. Run the
28ScummVM installers and allow them to install to the default
29location (C:\ScummVM). Don't worry about overwriting files. Run the
30HFVExplorer installer and allow it to use its defaults.</p>
31<h2>Copying the game data file:</h2>
32<p>Start up HFVExplorer; if you don't have a shortcut for it, find
33it in "c:\program&nbsp;files\HFVExplorer". It should open the HFS
34(Macintosh filesystem) CD-ROM automatically when you insert the
35disc. Make sure HFVExplorer is displaying hidden files: Select
36View-&gt;Options and enable "Show invisible Mac files" on the "File
37attributes" tab.</p>
38<p>Now, look for the data file in the right pane. It will probably
39end with the word "Data" and will be the largest file on the
40volume. For instance, it is called "Sam &amp; Max Data" on the "Sam
41&amp; Max" CD-ROM. Select the data file and copy it (use Ctrl+C or
42Edit-&gt;Copy). In the left HFVExplorer pane, navigate to the
43directory where you want the game to reside on your hard disc. I
44recommend selecting drive C: and creating a new folder called
45"SamNMax" or a name that better reflects your particular game.</p>
46<p>Paste the data file (with Ctrl+V or Edit-&gt;Paste) and allow
47HFVExplorer to choose the copy mode. Now, wait while the program
48copies several hundred mebibytes from the CD. When the file is
49copied, close HFVExplorer.</p>
50<h2>Running rescumm:</h2>
51<p>Open a command prompt window and change the directory to your
52newly created folder. Then, run rescumm on the data file to extract
53its contents. For example, type the following for Sam &amp; Max,
54making sure you use double quotes around the data filename:</p>
56cd c:\SamNMax
57c:\scummvm\rescumm "Sam &amp; Max Data"
60<p>Once the several files are successfully extracted, you can
61delete the data file. Now, you can fire up ScummVM and add the new
62game to play it. The ScummVM documentation (readme.txt) describes
63ScummVM and rescumm usage in detail. If you have any questions,
64look at the <a href=
65"http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/faq.php">ScummVM FAQ</a>, the
66<a href="http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/documentation.php">ScummVM
67Documentation</a>, and the <a href=
68"http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=37116">forums</a>. If you
69can't find answers in one of those places or you have a proposed
70change for this document, email me, <a href=
71"mailto:jonner@teegra.NOSPAM.net">Jonathan Rogers</a> (remove the NOSPAM).</p>
72<h2>Related Information:</h2>
73<p>If you are using ScummVM on MacOS X, you may find <a href="http://www.ps2cheats.com/randomstuff/scumm/">How to Rescumm for Dummies!</a> useful.</p>
74<p><br />
75<br />
76Copyright &copy; 2004 Jonathan Rogers</p>