Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10493, comment 11

Apr 22, 2018, 3:54:10 PM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #10493, comment 11

    initial v1  
    1 I went ahead and bought the Steam release, and was able to replicate the problem using their executable. After some experimentation, I think it may be a random crash due to uninitialized memory in the image/video decoders, which have already been fixed. Doing some memory tracing under Linux, I confirmed that the 2.0.0 release that Steam uses has a lot of them, but they're all gone due to the recent work done to resolve them. Which I'm hopeful will solve the problem on Windows. Though unfortunately I can't tell for sure.. even rolling back to compile 2.0.0, I still couldn't replicate a crash with the executable I compiled myself, so it does raise the likelihood that the error has been resolved.
     1I went ahead and bought the Steam release, and was able to replicate the problem using their executable. After some experimentation, I think it may be a random crash due to uninitialized memory in the image/video decoders, which have already been fixed. Doing some memory tracing under Linux, I confirmed that the 2.0.0 release that Steam uses has a lot of them, but they're all gone from the current codebase due to the recent work done to resolve them. Which I'm hopeful will solve the problem on Windows. Though unfortunately I can't tell for sure.. even rolling back to compile 2.0.0, I still couldn't replicate a crash with the executable I compiled myself, so it does raise the likelihood that the error has been resolved.
    33Anyway, I'm going to mark this as resolved for ScummVM; if anyone can replicate the problem with the latest codebase, we can always reopen it later. As far as the executable compiled for Steam goes, I was able to prevent the crash by saying "floor 24" instead of just "24". Or, of course, you can use the icons in the PET Remote Thingummy tab.