Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #10789, comment 5

Dec 1, 2018, 7:24:49 AM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #10789, comment 5

    v4 v5  
    1 script 663 - rm663::init()
    2 {{{
    3 (method (init)
    4         (if (or (== g12_myPrevRoomNum 660) (== g12_myPrevRoomNum 661))
    5                 (g0_hero posn: 30 129)
    6                 (= local0 1)
    7                 (g0_hero hide:)
    8         else
    9                 (g0_hero posn: 278 133)
    10         )
    11         (g0_hero
    12                 init:
    13                 setScaler: Scaler 100 100 189 0
    14                 normalize: (if (== global12 660) 4 else 5)
    15         )
    16         (super init: &rest)
    17         (g2_myCurrentRoom
    18                 addObstacle:
    19                         ((Polygon new:)
    20                                 type: 2
    21                                 init: 57 130 0 172 0 0 319 0 319 189 299 189 252 130 130 123 72 121
    22                                 yourself:
    23                         )
    24                         ((Polygon new:)
    25                                 type: 2
    26                                 init: 87 133 221 135 214 160 198 169 169 179 118 180 97 168 82 146
    27                                 yourself:
    28                         )
    29         )
    30         (pDoor approachVerbs: 4 32 init:)
    31         (pFire ignoreActors: approachVerbs: 4 init: setCycle: Fwd)
    32         (pSecretDoor2 ignoreActors: init:)
    33         (pCrest init: ignoreActors: approachVerbs: 4)
    34         (vFirePlace ignoreActors: init:)
    35         (vBookCase ignoreActors: init:)
    36         (vRightDoor
    37                 ignoreActors:
    38                 approachVerbs: 4 32
    39                 setPri: (if local0 97 else 207)
    40                 init:
    41         )
    42         (doorTeller init: vRightDoor 640 2 155)
    43         (vRug ignoreActors: init:)
    44         (vTheTable ignoreActors: approachVerbs: 4 init:)
    45         (vCeiling ignoreActors: init:)
    46         (vRightCeiling ignoreActors: init:)
    47         (vSecretDoor ignoreActors: init:)
    48         (vBook ignoreActors: init:)
    49         (fChair1 approachVerbs: 4 init:)
    50         (fChair2 approachVerbs: 4 init:)
    51         (fChair3 approachVerbs: 4 init:)
    52         (g2_myCurrentRoom setScript: sComeOnIn)
    53 )
    54 }}}
     1I couldn't free enough bytes in init().
    56 Subroutining "(... ignoreActors: init:)" was not as efficient as I'd need.
    57 At least for only four Views: vCeiling through vBook.
    58 \\
    59 \\
    60 Then there's the matter of getting sPeepingTom's lofsa value to set its "register" property. *sigh*
     3Then there's the matter of getting sPeepingTom's lofsa value in order to set its "register" property. *sigh*