Kyrandia 2 - The Hand of Fate - MIDI with FluidSynth and FatBoy SoundFont sounds weird
— at Version 1
Hi, according to ZvikaZ, FluidSynth should be superior to other MIDI solutions in ScummVM. And when we use it on KQ6 it is! But when I play Hand of Fate on the same FluidSynth settings, MIDI music compared to DOSBox + VirtualMIDISynth 2.8.0 and FatBoy 0.788 SoundFont (in SETUP.EXE is chooes General Midi device for MIDI) is a little bit weird... Take a look to attached samples.
EDIT: I've checked Loom EGA floppy disk version and FluidSynth has a major issue with generating some sounds in beginning Overture. I've checked two SounFonts (FatBoy 0.788 and Arachno SoundFont - Version 1.0.sf2). I'm attaching some recorded sound samples too.
Best regards, Bart