Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Ticket #12599

Jun 5, 2021, 9:33:46 AM (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #12599 – Description

    v5 v6  
    99- Also I noticed some clues in the constant sheet called crazy legs interview 2 and 3 and crazy legs grovels. Even though Crazy legs did indeed grovel and gave me some important information about a woman and a man with bow tie these clues did not appear in the KIA so these also need to be fixed.
    1010- Also I just wanted to say that when Grigorian responds to the note and to Crazy legs when he is in the cell next to him the clues Grigorian responds a and b don't appear in the KIA and neither do the clues Grigorians resources and Crazys involvement.
     11- When McCoy climbs the ladder in the bathroom of the Bradbury when he appears on the next floor he is still in his climbing animation pose, it is only for a second but still I thought it was worth bringing up.
     12- I also noticed that McCoy seems to be missing some frames in his idle animation. When he turns at some points his neck just snaps to the left. This happens even in the original version of the game but I always thought that it was odd.
    1113I will also be attaching a save file for your convenience.