Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #12998, comment 15

Apr 13, 2022, 1:40:45 AM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #12998, comment 15

    v1 v2  
    11Yup, happens there for some reason. Although it happens 'once' (the main cursor doesn't appear to change - although if you move out of the bar it does - and the bar flashes once) and then if you click a second time it works 'correctly' (the main cursor changes even on top of the bar, the bar doesn't flash), then it repeats.
    3 Note that in scummvm the bar actually disappears completely the first time. I think the 'problem' here is that the bar was supposed to disappear to show the icon, that is the top bar 'exposed' state is supposed to extend or shrink the hotspot. It extends when you touch the top of the screen and it should shrink when you click a icon, it just appears to register the mouse on a viable hotspot when it's shrinking and shows it again in the core while upstream has better timing.
     3Note that in scummvm the bar actually disappears completely the first time. I think the 'problem' here is that the bar was supposed to disappear to show the icon (moving the cursor down if it was in the original bar hotspot) but it only happens the second time. The skill button doesn't even do anything if you're not 'above the area the cursor would be moved to.
    55It's kind of weird this is happens to me only on the libretro core - especially this version which is using upstream code instead of being thousands of commits behind.
    7 I think this is non deterministic (i don't think the reporter is using the libretro core, it's just more easy to notice it there for me).