Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #13754

Aug 4, 2022, 5:35:00 PM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #13754

    • Property Summary Waxworks crashes in the Pyramids/Mine when a enemy hit you.Waxworks crashes in the Pyramids/Mine when an enemy hit you.
  • Ticket #13754 – Description

    initial v2  
    1 With the new release V2.6.0 (my computer is a Mac with the lates macOS) I discovered a new bug with Waxworks. When you enter the Pyramids or the Mine and you got hit by an enemy, the game crashes. The engine just can not load the sound file. This happens with my original boxed Amiga version, as well as the PC version. I tested the English and German version. With the former V2.5.1 this bug isn't there. I also checked the latest nightly build. As far as I can tell other AGOS games such as Elvira I & II runs smooth as before.
     1With the new release V2.6.0 (my computer is an 2017 intel MacBook Air with the latest macOS Monterey 12.5) I discovered a new bug with Waxworks. When you enter the Pyramids or the Mine and you got hit by an enemy, the game crashes. The engine just can not load the sound file. This happens with my original boxed Amiga version, as well as the PC version. I tested the English and German version. With the former V2.5.1 this bug isn't there. I also checked the latest nightly build. As far as I can tell other AGOS games such as Elvira I & II runs smooth as before.
    33Here is the logfile: