Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14537, comment 3

Jul 14, 2023, 5:52:41 PM (14 months ago)


  • Ticket #14537, comment 3

    initial v1  
    55The problem is that the Walk cursor gets screwed up and thinks it's the Exit Right cursor. We've already seen a game-breaking script bug with the SQ6 exit cursors: #11640 (I'm really hoping my patch for that bug didn't cause this...)
    7 I believe that this bug occurs much earlier than the elevator. I watched one of your speedruns, and the previous Exit Right cursor is outside Fester's, and you didn't use the Walk cursor again until the elevator. I suspect that the cursor broke outside Fester's, and if you'd try to walk anywhere before the elevator you wouldn't have been able to.
     7I believe that this bug occurs much earlier than the elevator. I watched one of your speedruns, and the previous Exit Right cursor is for the liquor store, which is underneath the transport inventory item you click on, and then you didn't use the Walk cursor again until the elevator. I suspect that the cursor broke there, and if you'd try to walk anywhere before the elevator you wouldn't have been able to.
    99Footage of a full failed run would show where you're mousing and clicking in the rooms before the elevator, and I suspect that's going to be the subtle trigger.