Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #15021

Apr 3, 2024, 7:35:48 PM (6 months ago)


  • Ticket #15021

    • Property Component --Unset--Engine: SCI
    • Property GameKing's Quest 5
    • Property Keywords Macintosh SCI added
    • Property Summary Scummvm 2.8.0 broke Macintosh-format SCI on OSXMacintosh sound only available on MAC OS X with SCI engine
  • Ticket #15021 – Description

    v1 v2  
    1 On Mojave, Scummvm 2.7.1 would play SCI Macintosh games stored in native resource-fork format on APFS.  On Scummvm 2.8.0 and the latest daily builds, it instead reports "Error running game: Game data not found"
     1This bug was originally for the broken resource loading in 2.8.0.  Since that is now fixed in 2.8.1, I confirmed that MacBinarized files seem to work on OS X and Linux.
    3 User picked target 'freddypharkas-mac-1' (engine ID 'sci', game ID 'freddypharkas')...
    4    Looking for a plugin supporting this target... SCI [all games]
    5 WARNING: Failed to open resource map file!
    6 WARNING: Failed to open volume file - if you got resource.p01/resource.p02/etc. files, merge them together into resource.000!
    7 WARNING: Volume and map version not detected, assuming that this is not a SCI game!
    8 WARNING: SCI [all games] failed to instantiate engine: Game data not found (target 'freddypharkas-mac-1', path '/Users/*/Desktop/freddy-macbin')!
     3However, it appears that Macintosh sound is only available on OS X, as I can not get it to engage on Linux.  By comparison, LucasArts SCUMM games for Macintosh do seem to produce Macintosh music on Linux.
    10 FWIW, the Windows & Linux builds for years have not been able to play Macintosh-format SCI games stored in MacBinarized(?) format.  As I recall the Mac build was able to do this, so it wasn't clear if this was a bug or intentional.
     5I am not sure if this is a problem loading the proper SCI 'sound driver' file on Linux, or if it is a problem making Macintosh sound available in SCUMMVM SCI engine on Linux.  The usual result is either no sound or MIDI/MT-32 sound on Macintosh game played on Linux.  I haven't tested, but believe it is the same on Windows.