Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of WikiStart

Nov 25, 2017, 10:38:17 PM (7 years ago)

improve bug report instructions, bug tracker move is no longer recent


  • WikiStart

    v7 v8  
    11= Welcome to ScummVM Issue Tracker =
    3 Before submitting a bug report, first, please check the compatibility list to ensure the bug is not already known. Secondly, try out the latest Subversion/daily build,
    4 since the bug may already have been fixed.
     3Before submitting a bug report, please [<enter+search+term+here> search] to ensure the bug is not already known, and try the latest [ "daily build"] since the bug may already have been fixed.
    6 To submit a bug report, you need an account on You can then use the `GitHub Login` button at the top right of this page to log in, and
    7 use the `New Ticket` button to submit a new bug report.
     5To submit a bug report, you need an account on You can then use the `GitHub Login` button at the top right of this page to log in, and use the [ "New Ticket"] button to submit a new bug report.
    97Please check you are including all the following information in your bug report:
    11   * ScummVM version (scummvm -v)
    12   * Bug details, including instructions on reproducing
    13   * Language of game (English, German, ...) 
    14   * Version of game (Talkie, Floppy, ...)
    15   * Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, ...)
    16   * Attach a save game if possible 
     9  * ScummVM version (`scummvm -v`)
     10  * Bug details, '''including step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug'''
     11  * Language of game (English, German, ...)
     12  * Version of game (CD, Floppy, DOS, Amiga, ...)
     13  * Your OS, including version (Windows 10 build 1709, Debian 9.2, Android 7.0, ...)
     14  * Attach a save game if possible
    1715  * If this bug only occurred recently, please note the last version without the bug, and the first version including the bug. That way we can fix it quicker by looking at the changes made.
    18   * Next, select the game in the 'Game' dropdown, and the game engine or other component in the 'Component' dropdown. Enter your text, and hit the button!   
     16  * Next, select the game in the 'Game' dropdown, and the game engine or other component in the 'Component' dropdown. Enter your text, and hit the button!
    2018Please only file bugs on games that are listed as 'Playable to the end' (that is, completable) in the README file included with your version of ScummVM.
    2220Finally, please report each issue separately; do not file multiple issues on the same ticket. Otherwise, it gets difficult to track the status of each individual bug.
    2725== !SourceForge migration notes ==
    29 We have recently migrated our bug tracker from !SourceForge. This new Trac bug tracker uses !GitHub accounts for authentication.
     27We migrated our bug tracker from !SourceForge. This bug tracker uses !GitHub accounts for authentication.
    3129 * If you login for the first time, please go to Preferences to set up an email address, so you can receive notifications.