Ticket #1930: debuglevel5.txt

File debuglevel5.txt, 636 bytes (added by SF/gourry, 20 years ago)

Output with debuglevel 5

1Debuglevel (from command line): 5
2Looking for comi
3Trying to start game 'The Curse of Monkey Island'
4Output sample rate: 22050 Hz
5File comi.sou not found
6File comi.sof not found
7File comi.sog not found
8File comi.so3 not found
9File monster.sou not found
10File monster.sof not found
11File monster.sog not found
12File monster.so3 not found
13File comi.tlk not found
14DEBUG: room number in boot = 0
15DEBUG: sputm-debug = 1
16ImuseSetGroupSFXVolume (105)
17ImuseSetGroupVoiceVolume (105)
18ImuseSetGroupMusicVolume (127)
19WARNING: SO_VERB_LINE_SPACING 24: not yet implemented!
20Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)