Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#6716 Implement descriptive error message on save failure new feature request normal
#6809 BASE: FSNode's getParent()->getName() is inconsistent. new defect normal
#7527 Recognize zipped savegame when no Zlib was compiled new sev- feature request normal
#7535 Move special debug flags init to plugin API new feature request normal
#7602 Expose game hotspots to backend new feature request normal
#7649 ALL: visible warning when CD music missing new bluegr feature request normal
#9203 SDL: Avoiding pathological screen updates new patch normal
#10411 BACKENDS: SDL: 720x400 fullscreen doesn't have the correct aspect ratio new defect normal
#13840 GameID's should be unique per game version + color bitness new defect normal
#14371 LAN: Server's IP interface is sometimes from a virtual adapter new defect normal
#15139 Implement engine for Media Station, Inc. games new feature request normal
#15316 MTROPOLIS: Undetected mTropolis Titles new defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.