Custom Query (114 matches)


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Results (101 - 114 of 114)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#11828 EMI: Missing subtitles by default in demo (french/german) new defect low
#11847 EMI: Animated sea surface texture looks clamped instead of repeated in set "shi" with TinyGL new defect low
#12059 GRIM: Grim Fandango always overrides savegame path new defect low
#12178 EMI: Slight movement of the analogue joystick for short moment causes Guybrush to move indefinitely new defect low
#12969 GRIM: Rendering difference with OpenGL with shaders new defect low
#13077 GRIM: SCUMMVM asks for gfupd101.exe even if game files are already patched new defect low
#13092 GRIM: Keybord shortcut 'A' for help not working (French version) new defect low
#13125 GRIM: Grim Fandango: opengl dialog transcript text errors new defect low
#13127 GRIM: Grim Fandango - change default controller keys new feature request low
#13140 GRIM: Grim Fandango, year 3 chain foreground new defect low
#13141 GRIM: Grim Fandango ! year 3 end cutscene cuts early new defect low
#13148 GRIM: Grim Fandango _ after end game credits cannot exit the game new defect low
#13149 GRIM: Grim Fandango % year 4 sewer transparency new defect low
#14160 GRIM: Patched installers are required even with pre-patched installations new defect low
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