Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#14554 PLUGINS: ELF loader doesn't handle mixed ARM and Thumb code new sev- defect high
#6018 BACKENDS: Touchscreen Tablets - Fullscreen mode unusable new defect normal
#10300 BACKENDS: SDL: ScummVM-gui can resize weird when changing graphics and fullscreen toggle new defect normal
#11199 BACKENDS: Switch - Cloud saves feature on Nintendo Switch is not connecting new defect normal
#11358 BACKENDS: 3DS - Blurry text in KQ6 new defect normal
#11405 BACKENDS: RPi 3/4 - PulseAudio hoarse sound on any game new defect normal
#12978 KEYMAPPER: Separate the virtual mouse from the global keymap new defect normal
#13585 PLUGINS: ELF memory manager doesn't work with dynamic detection new defect normal
#14171 PLUGINS: ELF loader doesn't support multiple segments new defect normal
#14436 BACKENDS: LIBRETRO - Two gui issues new defect normal
#14891 BACKENDS: MIYOO: ScummVM not working well on Miyoo Mini Plus new defect normal
#15348 BACKENDS: SWITCH: Crash on Nintendo Switch FW 18.0.1 new defect normal
#9013 Enforce aspect ratio in fullscreen SDL new patch low
#9697 BACKENDS: RPi3 - mouse / desktop capture issue new defect low
#14441 BACKENDS: Add abstraction for read/write locks new feature request low
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