Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11376 BLADERUNNER: freezing on ScummVM Wii 2.1.1 new Blade Runner, Wii, freeze defect normal
#11598 GOB3: French version works incorrectly new unrecognized version French, Italian, Spanish defect normal
#13365 SCUMM: French version of The Dig has original audio issues in SMUSH new dig,french,audio,smush feature request normal
#13663 HYPNO: Slow frame rate, navigation issue and frequent sound pops new audio, pops, frame rate neuromancer defect normal
#13952 ANDROID: AGS: Can't load games with resources >2GB on ARM32 new ags, nightmare frames defect normal
#14407 3DS: make use of linear heap to make resource-intensive games playable new 3ds nintendo stream memory texture tinygl freescape grim myst3 stark tetraedge wintermute feature request normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.