While playing the CD version, I found that all off-side
speech (as in, not talking directly to Foster) was unable
to be found. Mrs. Piermont, Colston, and Walter (Mr Cool
in the subway) have speeches which talk to a
telephone, himself (about the terrible music, no. 54316),
and to the tanks (547xx-ish), respectively, which
cannot be found. This also occurs when Hobbins is in
the court saying he wants Foster as his defence
(54074), and when Foster talks to Joey as the medical
robot about everything in the tank room and checking
out the tank room.
Ticket imported from: #770787. Ticket imported from: bugs/1028.
Yes. But that's not a ScummVM bug, those speechfiles are simply missing in the Sky datafiles, for some reason. Nothing we can do about that except switching to subtitles.