Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#10817 closed defect (fixed)

WIN32: scummvm.exe FileDescription is a url

Reported by: Vhati Owned by: lotharsm
Priority: low Component: Port: Win32
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


The FileDescription in ScummVM's executable is unusual: a url.

Windows sometimes uses FileDescription in dialogs assuming it is a proper name.
Not ProductName as one might expect.

Spot checks among other apps indicates those two values are often identical. Sometimes FileDescription will be a slightly longer name.

I have not seen another executable with a url in any field of its metadata.

Attachments (6)

Screenshot - File in use dialog (Win7).png (10.9 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.
Screenshot - Audacity metadata.png (10.8 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.
Screenshot - Notepad++ metadata.png (10.3 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.
Screenshot - ScummVM metadata.png (9.9 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.
Screenshot - VirtualBox metadata.png (10.6 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.
Screenshot - VLC metadata.png (10.5 KB ) - added by Vhati 6 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by Vhati, 6 years ago

comment:1 by Vhati, 6 years ago

I'm guessing this is the relevant file.

Source: dists/scummvm.rc

BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
    BLOCK "040904b0" // US English, Unicode
        VALUE "Comments", "Look! A three headed monkey (TM)! .. Nice use of the TM!\0"
        VALUE "CompanyName", "\0"
        VALUE "FileDescription", "\0"
        VALUE "FileVersion", SCUMMVM_VERSION "\0"
        VALUE "InternalName", "scummvm\0"
        VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2001-2018 The ScummVM Team\0"
        VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "'SCUMM', and all SCUMM games are a TM of LucasArts. Simon The Sorcerer is a TM of AdventureSoft. Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword are a TM of Revolution. Flight of the Amazon Queen is a TM of John Passfield and Steve Stamatiadis. \0"
        VALUE "OriginalFilename", "scummvm.exe\0"
        VALUE "ProductName", "ScummVM\0"
        VALUE "ProductVersion", SCUMMVM_VERSION "\0"
Last edited 6 years ago by Vhati (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Vhati, 6 years ago

Summary: Win32: scummvm.exe FileDescription is a urlWIN32: scummvm.exe FileDescription is a url

comment:4 by lotharsm, 6 years ago

Owner: set to lotharsm
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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