Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#10991 closed defect (fixed)

Steele arrival issue at Tyrell building

Reported by: tentaclemoose Owned by: antoniou79
Priority: low Component: Engine: Bladerunner
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Blade Runner


At the start of Act 2, the first time you go back down the elevator at the Tyrell building, Steele is supposed to walk up to you and chat. There is a save/load-related issue here which causes her to not appear and the game is stuck waiting for her animation to play.

To recreate:

  • Start scummvm, and at the start of Act 2 play through the encounter with Steele at the tyrell building.
  • reload an earlier save and play to the same point: Steele will not appear and McCoy stands there immobile until she does. She sometimes eventually appears out of thin air.

This also happens if you start scummvm, load a save from AFTER the steel encounter, then re-load an older save from before.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by antoniou79, 5 years ago

Owner: set to antoniou79
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newpending

@tentaclemoose can you make sure that you have downloaded the latest scummvm development build?
This seems to be a bug that was fixed earlier this week.
This now works for me as many times as I have tested.

comment:2 by tentaclemoose, 5 years ago

Oops sorry, you're right, I wasn't on the latest build.

comment:3 by antoniou79, 5 years ago

Resolution: worksformefixed
Status: pendingclosed
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