Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#11087 closed defect (fixed)

XEEN: Elemental resistances not working correctly

Reported by: darkstar Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: normal Component: Engine: MM: Xeen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Might and Magic: World of Xeen


There seems to be no difference from heat damage from stepping onto lava, no matter how much elemental resistance the character has. It always subtracts 100 HP

I am pretty certain in the original game that wasn't the case

Attached: savegame with over 180 resistance for every character (boosted). Rest to reset to the default values (around 80). Damage is the same

Attachments (2)

worldofxeen.016 (219.1 KB ) - added by darkstar 5 years ago.
worldofxeen.017 (220.1 KB ) - added by darkstar 5 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by darkstar, 5 years ago

Attachment: worldofxeen.016 added


comment:1 by dreammaster, 5 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:2 by darkstar, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closednew

issue still exists after combat ends on such a tile. See attached savegame number 17.

Take 1 step towards the monster (through the door), kill it and then the whole party gets the "blood splash" damage effect instead of the lava damage, which does the 100 damage regardless of fire resistances

by darkstar, 5 years ago

Attachment: worldofxeen.017 added

comment:3 by dreammaster, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Good catch on that. I verified that that was a problem with the original; I've added in a workaround that fixes it

comment:4 by darkstar, 5 years ago

Nice! I didn't remember that from the original, I was under the impression that with over 100 fire resistance I could walk on lava with impunity... but it seems my memory was wrong :)

comment:5 by dreammaster, 5 years ago

When handling damage, the game calls what I call a "saving throw" method. For non-physical damage it gets a total of the character's appropriate permanent and temporary/additional resistance field, as well as certain items that grant additional resistance. It then does a check to see if a random number from 1 to (total + 40) is less than total. And if so, it reduces the damage by half, and then repeatedly does another saving throw until either the damage is reduced to zero, or the saving throw fails.

What this means is that with a high fire resistance like 200, for example, the probability of succeeding in a saving throw is 200 of 240, or 83%. So in that case, it's quite likely that several saving throws in succession would reduce damage down to a small amount, although not necessarily completely negate it.

Physical damage is slightly different.. it's based on a total of graduated amounts based on a character's luck, and then with the character's level added on. The check is then done on a random number from 1 to (total + 20) being less than total. So the higher a character's level, the more likely they are to shrug off some an opponent's damage, no matter how powerful the opponent is.

comment:6 by Thunderforge, 5 years ago

Game: Might and Magic: World of Xeen
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