Opened 2 years ago

Closed 22 months ago

#13617 closed feature request (fixed)

SCUMM: Implement original GUI

Reported by: GermanTribun Owned by: AndywinXp
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


That's something that bothered me for some time, but ScummVM overriding the original pause signs of SCUMM games does not look estestically appealing. Each of the games originally had a pause sign made for it, fitting in with the game. Not to speak of now missing out on the snails in Maniac Mansion and Zak (as there no longer is loading to speak off).

Is there any way to restore those properly, since it's all in the game data and less of a hassle than the save screen?

Change History (6)

comment:1 by AndywinXp, 2 years ago

Hi! This is in the works, not only for these games, but for every LucasArts SCUMM game. It will take a while though, I'm starting from COMI ( and going downwards :-)

This includes both the gui and the savescreen. Unfortunately they're not in the game data (a part for the first games' savescreens), and it's not something we are overriding, but the GUI is hardcoded in each of the executables, so there is some serious work to do. But again, it's coming!

Last edited 2 years ago by AndywinXp (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by AndywinXp, 2 years ago

Owner: set to AndywinXp
Resolution: pending
Status: newpending

comment:3 by AndywinXp, 2 years ago

Summary: SCUMM: Restore original pause signsSCUMM: Implement original GUI

comment:4 by GermanTribun, 2 years ago

The Dig also has a loading cursor (a sundial, I checked in DosBox), though it was somewhat inconsistent when it appeared. I don't know if COMI also has a loading cursor.

Since ScummVM has no real loading time anymore, can the cursor somehow be used when pausing the game? (like Maniac and Zak do?)

comment:5 by GermanTribun, 22 months ago

Checked the newest snapshot. While the loading cursors are now present in COMI and DIG, since nowadays loading is so fast, they are barely noticable. Is it possible to have them appear in place of the cursor whenever the game is paused? (like in MM and ZAK in the original with the snail)

Was a bit confused that the interface option only showed up for SAM, despite the newer games also using the original interfaces.

comment:6 by AndywinXp, 22 months ago

Resolution: pendingfixed
Status: pendingclosed

Sorry, this is how the original games worked, the loading cursors are now properly implemented and I can't just arbitrarily add or change things, risking to break other stuff.

Please understand that the preservation of the original behaviors whenever appliable is a priority nowadays; enhancements are possible, but only when they are necessary (e.g. typos, obvious script errors, palette errors), therefore we can't add something which only appeals to the taste of a single individual.

Anyway, for the other games it takes a boot up of each games to update the options on ScummVM side, you should see the toggle after that.

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