Just this afternoon, I was on my school's computer and
noticed all those troubleshooting messages you guys
were getting....I want you all to know that almost NONE
of these problems mentioned in the forum I had to
face....Why? Because I had downloaded BASS from
another source. The source is at
games2000.game.nov.ru/page/15.htm My humble
suggestion is to download the game from there into the
folder "My Documents", click check out, and run
ScumVM. Double-click on the My Documents folder in
the ScumV program and look for "bass." Dbl click on it.
You see nothing, right?? So, I think now you click the
button "Choose" located within the program....The game
should pop up and then you press OK....No errors
WHATSOEVER!! Except that there are occassional
slowing down periods but they don't last long....
Ticket imported from: #1038214. Ticket imported from: bugs/1793.
This is an older version of the floppy version we offer for download, so if anything, it should contain MORE bugs. Can you tell me what these supposed bugs are that are in the freeware version and don't appear with this one?
Currently there is only 1 known issue to me with the freeware _CD_ version we offer, and that is that some (very minor) speech files are wrong missing in the datafile itself, this not a ScummVM bug.
Those 'troubleshooting messages' are mostly people reading erroneous walkthroughs or issues that have since been fixed in CVS (and which you would experience with your 'superior' version as well).
If there are any substantial differences/bugs then I'd like to hear about them but until then I just assume you don't know what you're talking about.