Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#1848 closed defect (wontfix)

Grammar errors in FOTAQ

Reported by: SF/pnaulls Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Queen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Flight of the Amazon Queen


Looking through the data file, FOTAQ contains at least 20 instances of the wrong use of "it's" i.e, it should be "its" when being used as a possesive.

There's also a couple of cases of missing possesive apostrophes - notably, "a girls (sic) handwriting" and "an exterminators (sic) ...".

There may be more.

Ticket imported from: #1087888. Ticket imported from: bugs/1848.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by SF/mnbv, 20 years ago

Unfortunatly I don't think that anything, save hard coding the changes in scummvm, can be done. The datafiles released as freeware cannot be altered if I recall the license they were released under correctly. Or at least not altered and then redistributed.

comment:2 by sev-, 20 years ago

That's correct. We work on game engine, not game content.

comment:3 by sev-, 20 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by joostp, 20 years ago

Okay. how would you go about 'fixing' this? Releasing 'fixed' datafiles, or hack it in the interpreter?

If we fix the datafile, we have to release a new version of it. And what happens when we find a misuse of apostrophe that we somehow missed last time? do another release of the datafile?

Hacking it in the interpreter would be extremely ugly, as I hear most localisations of the game suffer from the same (or even worse) grammatical mistakes.

I think we should just leave it as is, it certainly doesn't take the enjoyment out of the game for me, and if are going to modify/improve the originals how we see fit, we might end up with a totally different game. :)

That being said, don't let that stop you from creating a patch (APS or similar) to fix said spelling and grammatical mistakes and host it somewhere.

comment:5 by SF/mnbv, 20 years ago

Hacking it in the interpreter would be ugly and releasing fixed datafiles would be illegal hence the bug being closed and rejected.

comment:6 by joostp, 20 years ago

Where does it say releasing fixed datafiles is illegal?! We already release a modified version ourselves (the talkie with compressed sound) and if you had actually read the license before commenting, you would've seen the following:

"4) You may modify the game as you wish. You may also distribute modified versions under the terms set forth in this licence, but with the additional requirement that the work is marked with a prominent notice which states that it is a modified version."

comment:7 by SF/mnbv, 20 years ago

OK, fair enough. I was working from memory and made a mistake. I have say that I'm pleasently suprised at the very free license (compared to most other released game data, not just data released to the scummvm project either).

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