Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#2189 closed defect (invalid)

FOTAQ CD version for download not supported by queenrebuild

Reported by: SF/sndirsch Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Queen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Flight of the Amazon Queen


SUSE need to ship scummvm without MAD (MP3) support (guess why). It should be possible to convert the FOTAQ data into .ogg/.flac instead of .mp3 format with "queenrebuild". Actually it is *not*. :-(

# /usr/games/queenrebuild --ogg queen.1c Unknown/unsupported FOTAQ version!

Could this be changed/fixed? This would help our customers a lot.

Ticket imported from: #1287736. Ticket imported from: bugs/2189.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by sev-, 19 years ago

queenrebuild works only with original data. We ship it MP3 compressed to savce bandwidth. So if you want to recompress it into OGG, you should get full version somewhere. Since it got freeware, many sites with legal downloads started to offer FOTAQ.

This is definitely not a bug.

comment:2 by sev-, 19 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:3 by SF/sndirsch, 19 years ago

Can you give me an example of "somewhere"? How much bigger would the data become when using .ogg instead of .mp3 compression? Maybe you can provide them both for download? Would be much easier for our customers than to tell them to download the original data "somewhere" and convert it to .ogg format. SUSE is not the only distribution which meanwhile lacks MAD/MP3 support.

comment:4 by SF/sndirsch, 19 years ago

Component: ToolsEngine: Queen
Game: Flight of the Amazon Queen
Resolution: invalid
Status: closednew

comment:5 by sev-, 19 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by sev-, 19 years ago

Please, do not fiddle with bugreport attributes especially if you're not going to fix it by yourself.

Again, this is _not_ a bug, so I'm closing it.

I have no slightest idea on where to get the game. As I've told you it is legal to download it since it got freewared. You're not "a customer" but "a user of ScummVM" since you didn't pay us. We offer our service for free with no guarantees, go read the GNU Public License.

And no, it would not be easier to offer 2 versions of the game or uncompressed one due to bandwidth restrictions on We already overdued it 2x times than allowed.

How come that SUSE lacks MAD support? Just go and install it.

comment:7 by SF/sndirsch, 19 years ago

Sure it is not a bug. I would set it to enhancement with the new
summary "Provide FOTAQ CD Version also in .ogg format". Unfortunately this seems not to be possible with this bugtracking
system. :-(

Ok, looks like it is not that difficult to find the full version using
Google, e.g. '"Flight of the Amazon Queen" download' as search string does the trick.

Maybe I should mention that I maintain scummvm for the SUSE Linux distribution. And I'm still convinced that you're interested
scummvm seing on Linux distributions. Since I want to make a good job maintaining scummvm I contacted you about this problem to work a solution. Unfortunately it's not an option for us to include MAD support (MP3 license issues).

I don't see the bandwith argument. Do you think people will download both versions (.ogg + .mp3)? It might be a harddisk space problem though.

Anyway, I'll document this issue and describe how to download and rebuild the FOTAQ data to .ogg in a README.SUSE now.

comment:8 by sev-, 19 years ago

I see. The problem with is that they restrict project file space to 100M and we've crossed 200M line some time ago. If there would be some server which will put uncompressed version permanently we will gladly add link to it. Though correct place for such discussion is scummvm-devel mailing list. So I propose you to describe license problem with SUSE there and we will see how to solve it.

comment:9 by SF/sndirsch, 19 years ago

Thanks. I'm subscribed now to the scummvm-devel list and will discuss this on the ML. I'll talk with SUSE/Novell. Maybe we can provide the URL/server for downloading the full version or at least an ogg compressed version.

BTW, I was wrong. It isn't that easy to find a full version for download. Up to now (tried about a dozen download links) all version has been compressed versions (about 32 MB zipped) and therefore handled as unsupported versions by "queenrebuild".

Is it correct, that queenrebuild only can convert from the original version to ogg/mp3/flac and not the other way round and also not between the compressed file formats? Currently this is my understanding of the situation.

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