Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#3262 closed defect (wontfix)

WINCE: orientation cannot be detected in ASUS A696

Reported by: SF/luzi200 Owned by: SF/knakos
Priority: low Component: Port: WinCE
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


ScummVM (latest version 0.x.0) starts in landscape mode and I hold the PPC in landscape mode. If I move the stylus on the display left-right, the mouse cursor moves up-down but only when I move the stylus over the left side of the display. When I move the pen up-down, the mouse cursor moves left-right. It's always the same, if I start PocketScumm from portrait-mode it switches automatically to landscape-mode. If I start PS from landscape-mode it stays in landscape, but switches the today-screen back to portrait mode after quit. I put the two txt-files. They don't differ, in every display-mode they are the same.


SDL: Version $Rev: 41 $ bootstrapping GAPI device SDL: Device is portrait, OS version 5.1 build 422 SDL: orientation 0 SDL: GAPI_RealizePalette NOT IMPLEMENTED SDL: Starting video access detection ---> SDL: System 240x320 SDL: Checking for GAPI SDL: GAPI OK, 320x240, H=2 V=640, 16bpp, landscape false SDL: Trying Ozone SDL: Running on Ozone SDL: Ozone 320x240 SDL: Running true Ozone with stylus hack SDL: <----- Detection finished. Running on Ozone driver at 320x240 (real 240, 320), using ARM accelerated blitter SDL: GAPI_WinPAINT NOT IMPLEMENTED


Using configuration file: scummvm.ini Sound opened OK, mixing at 11025 Hz Lost mouse focus. Got mouse focus.

Ticket imported from: #1741000. Ticket imported from: bugs/3262.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by SF/luzi200, 17 years ago

Owner: set to SF/knakos
Priority: normalhigh

comment:2 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

Priority: highlow

comment:3 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

In particular, the device is reported as portrait byt the system ("SDL: orientation 0", "SDL: System 240x320"), but the drawing APIs report landscape screen extents ("SDL: GAPI OK, 320x240", "SDL: Ozone 320x240"). This is even worse if the device has indeed been switched to landscape or inverse landscape orientation through the system dialog and we get the same debug output each time. This means that the orientation *cannot* be detected at runtime.

This is not good news. The solution requires some clobbering (e.g. compensating for driver faults in software) in the SDL backend which I do not like.

Have you checked if there is a firmware update issued for your device? If there is no such thing, I'll add a config flag to force the orientation, but this is a last resort.

comment:4 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

Summary: mouse bug in landscape-mode v0.x.0WINCE: orientation cannot be detected in ASUS A696

comment:5 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Out of curiosity (from a bystander who never used a WinCE device): Would this be a bug in SDL, or the firmware, or the OS, or what?

comment:6 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

This is definitively a display/mouse driver combo flaw. Hence, this also manifests to other wince software for sure. In all probability, some of the commercially available software compensate for this bug by detecting the exact model of the device, then enabling a special code path to work around it. Asus may have issued a firmware upgrade to correct this (this is a guess).

But, to keep our users happy, I'll probably add the aforementioned config flag which will be passed on to the SDL port to force the orientation by the user (a couple of tries will do the trick). That's one more advantage of maintaining a custom branch of SDL (e.g. adding extra flags etc.).

comment:7 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

OK. Hm, so if a software update could fix this, that would mean it's not even sufficient to detect the model/device, but one also would have to take the firmware version into acount. Yuck.

comment:8 by SF/luzi200, 17 years ago

Good news!!! With the lcd-patch from the asus homepage everything works fine :-) Pocketscumm starts wonderful in portrait mode. And the mouse works excellent. All other games even work. YEAH!!!!

comment:9 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

Since a known workaround exists, I won't be processing this any further. Thanks for the report!

comment:10 by SF/knakos, 17 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:11 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Port: WinCE
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