Opened 22 years ago

Closed 22 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#423 closed defect (wontfix)

Supereagle doesnt color umlaut dots correctly

Reported by: SF/trinity78 Owned by: SF/ender
Priority: low Component: Graphics: Scalers
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Using the latest Daily Build. Tested it with the german version of Monkey Island 2, possible that other games are affected too. I've noticed that using no graphics filters, all german umlauts (ä, ü, ö) are displayed fine without problems. Using a graphics filter like supereagle, all lowercase umlauts are missing the two dots above them (u instead of ü). There is no problem with Uppercase umlauts only with lowercase ones.

Ticket imported from: #597730. Ticket imported from: bugs/423.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by SF/trinity78, 22 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:2 by SF/trinity78, 22 years ago

doesnt happen with monkey island 1 (vga floppy), so it might be a monkey2 only problem

comment:3 by SF/trinity78, 22 years ago

well i have to correct my previous post, it does happen in monkey1 too, but only in the dialog selection, not in the diplayed spoken text (subtitles). in monkey2 it happens at both places, dialog text selection and displayed spoken text

comment:4 by SF/trinity78, 22 years ago


after some closer examination, the umlaut dots are actually there, but they do have a differnet color then the rest of the text.for example the dots are dark grey (sometimes almost black) while the text is white, this makes dots hardly noticeable. so the actual problem is that umlaut dots are colored different then text when using the supereagle filter (i guess any other filter too).

comment:5 by SF/trinity78, 22 years ago

Summary: Supereagle doesnt not display UmlautsSupereagle doesnt color umlaut dots correctly

comment:6 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

Owner: set to SF/ender
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

Well, there's nothing we can really DO about it. Obviously the anti-aliasing algorythm is aliasing the dots pretty much out of existance, because they are so small with THAT particualar font (hence why it doesn't happen with other games) *shrug*

There's no way we can change/fix this, you will just have live with it, or not use a filter on that game :)

comment:8 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Graphics: Scalers
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