Opened 19 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#7477 closed feature request (fixed)


Reported by: SF/gustavejr Owned by:
Priority: low Component: Graphics: Scalers
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


2XPM, based on the Scale2X idea, analyzes any pixel relation with its eight neighbouring pixels, to guess some diagonal lines and rounded edges and apply the obtained information in the four resulting pixels.

There are two versions of this scaler, HQ and LQ.

HQ is the "full-featured" version, its main purpose is to enhance image quality, withouth worrying about CPU usage. It uses different levels of alpha-blending to enhance image quality when necessary.

LQ is the low-quality version, which detects most of the lines detected in HQ, making it faster but the resulting image will be more pixelated. Also, alpha-blends are limited to 50% only, which is optimized. LQ aims for speed, HQ aims for image quality.

The programmer of this scaler says that it's a work-in-progress and unfortunately he hasn't developed a 16 bit version of the scaler, I am sure you guys can work around with it.

If you have any other inquiries, e-mail him at with the subject 2XPM.

Ticket imported from: #1429933. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/293.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:2 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

See < func=detail&aid=1326624&group_id=37116&atid=418822>

However, we are extremely unlikely to add it at this time. So far, people on the team perceived little to no gain by this scaler, and we already think we have to many of them :-).

comment:3 by SF/kaminari, 19 years ago

Indeed, I agree there are already too many filters in ScummVM. The thing is, some of them are honestly useless. TV2x is crap in its current form. DotMatrix, who uses that today? 2xSaI and SuperEagle are obsolete compared to Super2xSaI or Scale2x. And HQ2x could easily be superseded by 2xPM.

Problem is, I seem to remember Sev already closed a similar request of mine. His argument was that 2xPM looked awful compared to HQ2x. How is that possible, since in most cases 2xPM looks *exactly* as HQ2x? The main difference being that HQ2x is totally useless on colourfully "busy" screens (think MI2 here), while 2xPM is still able to smooth out the image very efficiently.

I'm not doubting the quality of the patch. But the filter works a treat in Kega, I'm not sure why it doesn't in ScummVM.

comment:4 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

For every scaler there is out there, there are people who ask us to add it. For every scaler we add, there are people out there who tell us we should remove it.

Guess what? People explicitly requested the tv2x and dotmatrix scalers, for nostalgic reasons. They, for some reason, enjoy playing with those. Personally, I don't understand, just like you. But that doesn't change the fact that some people think differently.

Some people love the hq2x scaler. Some think it's terrible and ugly and unusable.

Some people love the 2xpm scaler. Some thing it's terrible and ugly. Some think it's better than hq2x, some think it's worse, some don't like either :-).

Personally, I've found 2xpm to be virtually the same as hq2x, in some cases I found it to perform worse, in some better, but in each only minimally so.

In the end, who's right? You argue that we should remove something because *you* don't like it, and should add something else because *you* like it. Shall I ignore what everybody else says and put your oppinion above theirs? Difficult choice to make...

comment:5 by SF/kaminari, 19 years ago

> Difficult choice to make...

I understand your position, but you hopefully agree that the "first come, first served" basis can't be a viable road in the long term :-)

Besides, I wasn't talking about what I like or not, I was exposing plain facts (ok, I might be biased a bit ^^). The scalers I mentioned are, IMHO, either obsolete (like DotMatrix -- let's look at it, it's a fact, especially if it's only used by a handful of people just for nostalgia reasons) or redundant (2xSaI and SuperEagle have absolutely no use since they're older generations of Super2xSaI -- at best, they all look the same and they use the same CPU resources).

As for 2xPM versus HQ2x, I exposed my arguments based on the original 2xPM implementation in Kega. Here, my experience is that 2xPM is a noticeable enhancement over HQ2x. But ScummVM's mileage seems to vary indeed. And if people don't like it, no problem, I rest my case. It's not as if it was a priority for me (I'd much prefer to see Loom TGX supported, even in 1x!).

comment:6 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Summary: Graphics : 2XPMSCALERS : 2XPM

comment:7 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Graphics: Scalers

comment:8 by tag2015, 2 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

2xPM scaler was added about a year ago:

Closing feature request

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