Opened 22 years ago

Closed 22 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#8168 closed patch (outdated)

CMI: Smush experiment (don't apply)

Reported by: eriktorbjorn Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Monkey Island 3


This patch doesn't fix any bugs that I'm aware of, but I'd still be interested to hear if it makes any difference - for better or worse - on Fingolfin's iBook, or for anyone else who've had problems with the CMI smush movies since the "frame skip" patch.

The patch removes the potentially unsafe timer handling, and probably makes the frame skipping a bit more forgiving by allowing it to lag behind a little.

That said, the patch still leaves some to be desired. Pausing smush movies is still broken, for instance. Is there any easy way to sync the frame to current sound sample instead of elapsed time?

Ticket imported from: #676610. Ticket imported from: patches/273.

Attachments (3)

cmi-smushtest.diff (3.3 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 22 years ago.
Patch against a January 29 CVS snapshot
cmi-smushtest2.diff (5.0 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 22 years ago.
Patch against a January 29 CVS snapshot
cmi-smushtest3.diff (3.1 KB ) - added by eriktorbjorn 22 years ago.
Patch against a February 8 CVS snapshot

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (33)

by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Attachment: cmi-smushtest.diff added

Patch against a January 29 CVS snapshot

by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Attachment: cmi-smushtest2.diff added

Patch against a January 29 CVS snapshot

comment:1 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

The second version of the patch moves the delay to before drawing the frame, instead of after. This seems much more natural to me, and might improve the sync slightly. It also tries to be a bit more intelligent about frame skipping. In theory, at least. In reality, it will probably need some tuning, assuming it works at all.

Since frame skipping is now indicated by setting a variable in ScummRenderer (should probably be in SmushPlayer instead, but if so that's for later), it might be possible to make the decoders aware of frame skipping as well.

comment:2 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

It does help a bit. While frame skipping is still bad, at least now it's avaraged. With current CVS, I get this (I modified it to print out the number of frames skipped, much more useful than knowning which frames it skipped, IMHO :-):

... WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 1 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 2 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 1 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 1 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 1 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 2 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 6 frames to catch up! ...

With your patch it is more like:

... WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! ...

So still a lot is skipped, but it looks better because similar amounts are skipped each time. But later, when you see guybrush writing on his little boat, you see patterns like this (with your patch):

... WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 6 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 20 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 6 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 20 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 4 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 5 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 3 frames to catch up! WARNING: ScummRenderer: Skipped 20 frames to catch up! ...

Maybe a different codec is used there, I don't know, which makes it slower. The patter repeats a lot. One guess would be that the long deleay comes after decompressing a master frame (i.e. a full screen), which then it only decompressed deltas w.r.t to that master... again just a guess.

comment:3 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

This is discouraging. Out of curiosity, how does this computer compare to the original minimal system requirements? I.e. should it be able to handle this in the first place?

If your computer should be able to handle CMI, then we're going to have to try and optimize the smush decoder somehow. At least codecs 44 and 47, which are both used by the intro movie. I'm not sure exactly where or why it switches.

Once the movie reaches Guybrush it may also have to render subtitles. If memory serves me, it has to re-render those for every frame where they are visible, but I don't know how much extra work that is. Does turning the subtitles off make any noticeable difference?

Hmm... Is it just me, or does codec 44 decode to one buffer, and then copy it to another, which in turn will be copied to the backend? That doesn't seem very efficient to me...

comment:4 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

The original specs are: Pentium 90, PCI graphics card, 16 MB RAM, 4x CD.

Thiis iBook has a G3/500, ATI Rage Mobility (AGP/8MB VRAM), 384 MB RAM, 16x CD/DVD drive

-> yes it should easily be capable of handling this :-)

comment:5 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Darn, I was hoping you were testing on some really low-end computer. :-)

It's strange, though. My computer is a few years old (I forget the exact clockspeed, but it's something like a 400-500 MHz PIII), and the CPU load meter usually stays around 15-25% during the opening movie, and I'm unlucky if I lose more than half a dozen frames. At least as long as I don't do anything silly like moving the window around or use any of the graphics filters.

I run the game entirely from my hard disk, and my desktop is at 16 bpp colour depth, if that makes any difference.

So if we can assume that it isn't the actual decoding that is going too slowly, then what? The screen updates? The waitForTimer() function? I suppose the latter could be a problem, if get_msecs() / delay_msecs() behave worse under OS X than under Linux or Windows. But why should they? Still, it may be an interesting experiment to remove the waitForTimer() calls and see if that makes the movie run much too fast...

By the way, you can probably disregard most of what I said about codec 44. I thought it was decoding an entire screen at a time, but apparently it isn't.

comment:6 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

So, erm, given it helps a little - is it applyable? :)

Also, apparantly although ComI uses delta compression on some codecs, smush is designed so it's possible to skip decompressing every Xth frame. I'm not sure which frames can be skipped, you should be able to find out by checking how often keyframes (non-delta using frame) is decoded.

comment:7 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

I guess the second version of the patch maybe should be applied, though I am not 100% sure it's the right thing....

but w/o the patch, I just played the intro movie on my G4/400 (which is actually way faster than the G3/500 iBook), which has Comi on my fast HD, has 768 MB ram, an ATI Radeo 8500 etc. etc. And guess what: it stuttered a little bit first, and then when guybrush started to talk, it "hung" at the same frame for periods of 5-20 seconds. That's inacceptable. Even if the SDL blitter on OS X would be the bottleneck, that would be no excuse. Heck, I have mplayer (which uses SDL) play back DivX movies smoothly, I can't believe we can't play back 8bit comic graphics smoothly <sigh>.

comment:8 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Just tried with the patch, and uhm, still no good. It was skipping and hanging and jerking, almost seemed worse than w/o the patch. To be fair I have to mention that right now a process is doing file operations in the back. But of course at the same time I can play back videos (scaled by arbitrary factors, too) just fine.

I will now test it with the GL backend, to see if that makes any speed difference.

Reading the data on the fly from HD, as we do now, might be a very bad thing, and partially cause of the problems we see. If the disk buffer isn't as optimized as it maybe should be, doing that can cause delays, and even a 10ms delay can be too much.

comment:9 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

You -are- absolutely sure your files are not corrupt this time?

I'm running it at the moment on a PIII-600 laptop, over a slow wireless connection through a samba share - and while it's skipping a -lot- of frames, the playback is still tollerably smooth. This was without the patch btw

comment:10 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Yes I am sure the files are fine. How do you think corrupt files could produce such a behavariour anyway? Note that before the sync changes (when audoi & video were not synced) both played perfectly, they just got out of sync over time.

Anyway, you are comparing Apples (literally <g>) with bananas here, I run on a completly different I/O and video subsystem.

comment:11 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

The subtitles are partially at fault it seems, when I use "-n" then guybrush plays just fine during his diary speech. With subtitles one, it bogs down to 1 frame / 10 secs or so as soon as the big subtitle appears.

comment:12 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

That pretty much narrows it down to video-related processing as opposed to anything else - I believe the subtitles are redrawn every frame individually?

comment:13 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

The inefficient handling is partially to blame, I guess, but I don't know if it should make *that* much of a difference. (I've just submitted an experimental patch to optimize this.)

I know I've asked this before, but is there any way at all waitForTimer() could be waiting for too long under OS X? The original frame skip patch made it so that this function is always called at least once bewteen frames, and the experimental patch still uses it for timing the delay right.

comment:14 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

I will try the fix.

Of course it is possible that waitForTimer waits longer, due to the way we implement it that can happen on any target OS if you use very short wait intervalls.

comment:15 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

With the, it plays perfectly smooth again on my G4. Indeed, quadratic lookup of a translation string, done each frame, does have a very negative impact...

comment:16 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Just tested on my iBook, too. With this patch and the language patch, the movies play pretty well there. Not perfect, still has a little bit stuttering here and there, but overall it's enjoyable. I think we can apply this patch.

BTW, erik, I know you can't use CVS from work... if you can use websites, though, then you might be able to tunnel CVS, if you want I can provide you with some details how that could work.

comment:17 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

I'm still puzzled that it stutters at all. As I said, my computer probably is on par with yours, and I can watch smush movies and compile ScummVM at the same time without noticeable skipping.

If waitForTimer() is the culprit, then using a timer should be more precise, though our current implementation obviously leaves something to be desired.

By the way, I don't think there are any technical reasons to keep me from comitting stuff to CVS. I can check out things - even through SSH, if necessary - just fine. Heck, I've even managed to set up MingW so I can compile ScummVM, even if it's a bit awkward.

It just feels so much safer to have someone else do it and - hopefully - look it over first. Some of the stuff I've submitted has been pretty buggy initially. :-)

comment:18 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Could we try one more experiment before making any decisions on the other ones? In this one I keep the timer mechanism, but I change the wait() function back to use a while-loop again.

It will still call waitForTimer() at least once between every frame, but if there aren't any pending updates it will just use it to poll, not to delay. At least, I think that's what'll happen. I don't know why I didn't do it like this from the start. I guess I didn't realize just how long waitForTimer(1) could delay.

This is probably the most important part of the patch, but I've also added the logic that allows the movie to lag behind a bit before it starts skipping frames. I still don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but what the heck.

I considered adding a mutex for _pending_updates, but I don't see why it would be needed. I don't think there's any harm if the threads modify it in the "wrong" order, and it's already declared as volatile... But I'm not sure just when and where mutexes are needed, so don't take my word for it.

Another thing I hadn't realized was just how badly the opening smush movie slows down during the credits. We're really going to need that patch - or similar - to get this to work.

by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Attachment: cmi-smushtest3.diff added

Patch against a February 8 CVS snapshot

comment:19 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Doesn't really perform better, but I think our problem is more file I/O related anyway. We read the data on-demand, and if it isn't retrieve fast enough (after all, CD roms have bad seek times), then you get lag effects. Maybe if the reading would be done via a seperate thread and with double buffering...

comment:20 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

Ah, you're running it from the CD? I've always run it from hard disk since I find that much more convenient. (At least as long as I have the disk space to spare.)

comment:21 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Yes on the iBook I am running it from CD, and on the G4 from HD (which is one of the reasons why it runs smoothly there). I thought that was clear (I did state the speed of my CD drive for that reason :-). Maybe it would even work smooth if run from HD, but I don'T have the space to spare on the HD, plus I think it should be our goal to support playing from CD - after all, the original game allows that just fine, too.

comment:22 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

I guess I just missed/forgot about the CD thing.

I don't remember how fast my CD-ROM is (it's a CD-writer, and it's a few years old so I figure it can't be *that* fast), but playing the game from it worked fine for me. I did miss a few more frames than usual, but nothing noticeable. (Of course, I had to apply the patch to get through the credits section.)

I tried stressing it a bit by grepping through the resource directory at the same time, but it still didn't skip too badly. Starting yet another simultaneous grep process proved too much for it, though.

So basically, I'm out of ideas.

comment:23 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

The faster your CD drive is, the slower it'll playback the video I think. Because the new CD drives first have to spin up to get their maximum speed, and that takes time and briefly increases the access times. Now, if your disk cache is "too big", then enough data will be cached in it to cause the CD drive to spin down in the mean time (this seems to be happening here), so when the cache goes empty, it first has to spin up the drive again, access the data and read it, which is for the first couple milliseconds slower than normal (CD seek times are much much higher than HD seek times).

This all would be no issue, wasn't it for the fact that our code basically assumes that fread() works instantly. This is a bad thing to assume for any video or audio playback code. THe proper solution employed in such situation is double buffering.

comment:24 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

I should follow my own advice and first fully analyze things before stating what their "cause" is <sigh>... so last night I went through the smush playback, and I found out that the CD rom is not really the cause (or at least not the worst part of it). I finally had enough space free on my HD, so I copied the data files there - and skipping was still bade (like every 2nd frame?). Anyway, I then run (again, did that before) gprof while playing the COMI intro smush video. It showed that 33% of the time was spent in calls to memcpy. Ouch. So I commented out the calls to the decoder / memcpy in the codec47 - i.e. I basically took out all the time used to decode the video data (the sound was still being decoded). Guess what - skipping was still very bad! (invisible of course, but we do print out this debug messages whenever a frame is skipped).

So I played some more, and in the end, found out that I could almost completly get rid of all skipping by leaving everything enabled (i.e. doing full decoding) except for the call to _scumm->_system->update_screen() in scumm_renderer.cpp. Ahah! So this is the bottle neck on my iBook.

Of course the data pipeline is quite bad, when you think about it: 1) Decode into buffer 2) copy buffer to scumm screen buffer 3) use copyrect to copy to the first backend buffer 4) backend converts buffer from 8 to 16 bits (GUI is drawn atop) 5) backend uses scaler on the data (yet another "blit"); this costs even when using the 1x scaler, BTW 6) then we tell SDL to blit it to the screen. In my case, SDL has to convert the 16 bit buffer to the 32bit screen depth first, though...

We are using 6 buffers! Note that in the basic case (no GUI visible, 1x scaling), we could directly render the buffer from the decoding (in 1) to the screen, saving 4 stages in between. Ouch. And with the GUI on, the video is still anyway, so we don't have to worry about throughput... I wonder if we should extend the backend to specifically support movie playback. I.e. we could just pass it the pointer to a full screen buffer which is immediatly blitted to the screen, at most with the scaler applied to it (that would still avoid two unnecessary steps).

comment:25 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

I'm not sure that much optimisation is wise. As I've been saying for months, we need (at least) to remove SMUSH's own buffers at some stage and use virtscreens, for INSANE to be able to map actors on a video underlay.

However, direct rendering to OSystem backends would require more spagetti code to do INSANE, as if it isn't going to be an ugly enough hack for FT already.

However, if it comes to this, can we just use the overlay system? It doesn't optimise the patch as much as a -direct- access, but it reduces the need for a new api with limited use.

comment:26 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Uhm, Endy, you are not quite up-to-date, we already render directly to the virtScreen :-) And I was not suggesting to remove that, either.

Using the overlay code is no option since the overlay expects 16bit colors. Since we still would have to conver from 8 to 16 bit, we would not save any cost.

The change I had in mind did not actually complicate the backend API much (one additional call), and in fact would have been transparent for existing implementations (that additional call would have an default implementation, so it would "just work"). Also the Smush/Insane code would really not have been more complicated: I wanted to add a call blitToScreenAndUpdate(byte *buffer) which essentially combines a full screen copy_rect() followed by an update(). As long as no overlay is visible, the data stream could have been optimised. And in the smush code, we only would have to make a tiny change. However, some benchmarking I performed today rendered this moot: even with this change the skipping is pretty bad here. And of course, if we perform scaling, we loose almost all our advantage again. The main problem there is that the scalers are all from 16 to 16 bit. But our input data is 8 bit, while our output may be 16, 24 or 32 bit.

But in any case, it seems on my system the real bottleneck is SDL_UpdateRects :-(

comment:27 by eriktorbjorn, 22 years ago

I haven't looked at aquadran's recent smush changes yet, but perhaps we should close this one as obsolete?

comment:28 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

comment:29 by fingolfin, 22 years ago


comment:30 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Engine: SCUMM
Game: Monkey Island 3
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