Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#6953 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!! new DrMcCoy defect low Engine: Gob
#4775 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Machine hotspot disappears in armor room new DrMcCoy defect normal Engine: Gob
#7554 GOB: Gob2 (Mac): Add support for Mac music new DrMcCoy feature request normal Engine: Gob
#14365 3DS: GOB: Fingus's mouth behaves strangely during the walk animation when the game is played on the top screen new defect normal Port: 3DS
#14735 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Amiga - Tazaar House. Inside it's completely glitched. pending BJNFNE defect normal Engine: Gob
#15341 GOB2: footsteps sound issues new Antonin-Carette-RedArtGames defect high Engine: Gob
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.