Custom Query (25 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#9818 SCI: Torin: ASTHENIA path finding issues new defect normal Engine: SCI
#10010 SAGA: IHNM (Ellen) - Anubis problems at end new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10012 SAGA: IHNM - End game area easy to get stuck near beginning new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#10286 BACKENDS: SDL - GMM and game resolution doesn't scale together for enhanced graphics on small screens new defect normal GUI
#10300 BACKENDS: SDL: ScummVM-gui can resize weird when changing graphics and fullscreen toggle new defect normal Ports
#10574 MOHAWK: MYST ME: Held pages look off in a few ages new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10593 MOHAWK: RIVEN: Riven25 can't view saved games as thumbnail list new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#10659 TINSEL: DW1: Act4 hidden city guards crash new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#10663 GROOVIE: T7G: Cannot finish game new digitall defect normal Engine: Groovie
#10698 BACKENDS: Linux (OPENGL/SDL) - BadMatch crash when switching from windowed to fullscreen new defect normal Port: Linux
#10728 MOHAWK: MYST: ES: Marker instructions wrong new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#9846 SCI: PQ4: Can't leave morgue by clicking on car new defect low Engine: SCI
#9852 SCI: PQ4: Repeated speech outside of morgue new defect low Engine: SCI
#9872 SKY: BASS - Save game MetaInfo is missing new defect low Engine: Sky
#10311 AGOS: Waxworks: Add hotkey for switching to fighting new feature request low Engine: AGOS
#10383 GOB: LIT: Cursor flashes when talking to Dalia new defect low Engine: Gob
#10384 GOB: LIT: Bad palette around manor area new defect low Engine: Gob
#10397 FULLPIPE: Memory leak when loading a saved game new defect low Engine: NGI
#10439 SKY: BASS - vkeybd only allows 1 keyboard input at a time new defect low Engine: Sky
#10523 TITANIC: SGT Room Transition video has black spots new defect low Engine: Titanic
#10557 MOHAWK: MYST: Thumbnail has black top and bottom new defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10578 MOHAWK: MYST: Matches and Held pages new defect low Engine: Mohawk
#10657 TINSEL: DW1: Actor goes invisible when shooting dragon new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10658 TINSEL: DW1: ACT3 Guard floating equals new defect low Engine: Tinsel
#10661 TINSEL: DW1: Dark world barman can't leave via dialogue new defect low Engine: Tinsel
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