Custom Query (19 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15337 CLOUD: OneDrive storage doesn't work at all new defect blocker Cloud
#14462 STARK: Only actors are visible in OpenGL 1.3 rendering mode new dwatteau defect high Engine: Stark
#12717 ILLUSIONS: Duckman: SIGSEGV in startMoveActor() when clicking too early in the first scene new defect normal Engine: Illusions
#13365 SCUMM: French version of The Dig has original audio issues in SMUSH new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#13388 SCUMM: Loom (TG16) - Visual glitches with the forge bricks and actors new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#13389 DRAGONS: Rendering is excessively slow on older devices new defect normal Engine: Dragons
#13400 SCUMM: Zak - Pressing Esc at the right time lets you steal anything at Lou's Loans new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#13559 CHEWY: German demo crashes looking for a non-existing det0.taf file new defect normal Engine: Chewy
#13710 SCUMM: Guybrush can randomly be stuck in the catacombs (Monkey 1) new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#14388 SCI: Police Quest SWAT - Demo - Missing version 4 robot decoding new defect normal Engine: SCI
#14452 TETRAEDGE: Syberia 1/2 very slow video rendering issues in menus new defect normal Engine: Tetraedge
#15148 M4: Orion Burger: Crash on strict-alignment architectures new defect normal Engine: M4
#15179 AGS: lzwexpand SIGBUS on strict-alignment archs new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15180 WII: DRAGONS: Immediate crash at start-up new defect normal Port: Wii
#15181 WII: BLADERUNNER: Crash when triggering the virtual keyboard twice new defect normal Port: Wii
#15306 TINSEL: Various glitches in Discworld1 Macintosh Japanese new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#15349 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Known implementation inaccuracies new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15357 WII: SCUMM: Wrong colors for cursor objects in COMI on Wii new defect normal Port: Wii
#15369 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - audio pops at the end of every SBL sound effect new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
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