Tested on Android (small screen device so low resolution).
On some tabs or popup selection dialogues with many choices, some of the options or choices are obscured or hidden (out of screen) and thus cannot be accessed or selected.
The heavy offender of this issue is:
- Misc Tab, Language Selection Dialogue. A lot of languages (ie Greek) are hidden out of screen. This is an issue with the Modern Themes but not with the Classic Theme.
Minor offenders (the issue is both in Classic and Modern Themes):
- Misc Tab: The label "Switch the ScummVM GUI language to the game language" is partially obscured, and does not get truncated or a low resolution version as other labels do. This particular issue, exists on Desktop too, when selection "Normal (No Scaling)" from Graphic options.
- Midi Tab: The "FluidSynth Settings" button is placed way down, and is somewhat clipped. It looks bad, but it is still accessible.
- Chorus Tab (Under Midi->FluidSynth Settings). The "Type" control is placed way down, and is somewhat clipped. It looks bad, but it is still accessible.
- LAN Tab: The "Closing options dialog will stop the server" text is placed way down,and is somewhat clipped. Looks bad.
It could affect other options or tabs, in combination with other languages (where translation text can be lengthier than the English one); I'm only reporting the ones I've noticed so far.
Screenshots are attached.
Note again that the classic theme does not seem to have the issue for the Language Selection dialogue.
This bug is nice to be fixed before the release.