Opened 3 years ago

#12748 new defect

REMORSE: Silencer does not correctly follow Vargas at the end of Mission 2

Reported by: mduggan Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Ultima
Version: Keywords:
Cc: mduggan Game: Crusader: No Remorse


At the end of Mission 2, during a scripted sequence, the Silencer is supposed to follow Vargas to the teleport pad, but he gets stuck on a door on the way.

This is mostly a small problem as you are able to walk to the pad correctly after the scripted sequence finishes.

The cause of this is a difference in implementation between ScummVM and the original. In the original, the checks for "slide" movements (checking if a move is valid to the left/right of the current position) were built into the AnimPrimitiveProcess, so apply in all cases. In ScummVM, I implemented the checks in the CrusaderMoverProcess, so they are only triggered during interactive moves.

The solution is probably to move these checks to somewhere like MainActor::doAnim, but it would need to be done with care.

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