Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#5866 new defect

PARALLACTION: Nippon - Credits are drawn behind wall

Reported by: SF/andrea2054 Owned by: peres
Priority: low Component: Engine: Parallaction
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Nippon Safes


In the final scene, when the three actors have to open the final safe, the game locks, I have completed the Donna and Dough parts, the lock happens when I finished the Dino part. I don't know what happens finishing the parts in a different order. This could be related to bug #2970141.

ScummVM version: 1.3.1 and 1.4.0git2632-ga877ae2 (Oct 9 2011) Game: Nippon Safes (italian and english) Win32 (Vista) and WinCE (HP iPaq 2200)

I attach a zipfile with two savegames, as both are needed. Load the "matshushita" savegame (the other is hidden), then walk to the street. Watch all the animation and dialogues until you are supposed to open the final safe.

Ticket imported from: #3420858. Ticket imported from: bugs/5866.

Attachments (1)

Nippon Safes (638 bytes ) - added by SF/andrea2054 13 years ago.
Two savegames for NS

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by SF/andrea2054, 13 years ago

Attachment: Nippon Safes added

Two savegames for NS

comment:1 by digitall, 13 years ago

andrea2054: Thank you for the bug report. This is a known issue preventing completion of the game. We are still investigating, but this was hidden previously by the Elder bug and other earlier blocking bugs.

comment:2 by peres, 13 years ago

If the 'showmouse' command is given at the console then the scene can be played. The game will crash later on when trying to load the very final location (but this is an unrelated issue).

comment:3 by digitall, 13 years ago

A further note from a conversation with peres: "Prior to a location switch, the mouse state is saved then it's restored after the first block of commands is run. It might be the case that this is problematic in this location. The scripts are quite bad at preserving state."

Also, unfortunately the game asserts out after the box appearing ending with "we will tell you that story another time. THE END" and fade, rather than showing the finale.loc. The assertion is: scummvm: ./engines/parallaction/graphics.h:175: virtual uint Parallaction::Cnv::getSize(uint16): Assertion `index < _count' failed.

peres has looked at this and indicated: "About the final crash, it doesn't happen in the italian version because the script is different (the problematic line is commented out). We could ignore the line at runtime for other versions as well. Fixing it means adding code to handle a character called 'Dinor', which is the dummy version of Dino and I am not sure the actual 'finale' location would work"

He will look at both these issues, plus a workaround for a bad character in the English version speech from the Final safe which gives an invalid character, rather than the word "Company" in one of the texts.

comment:4 by digitall, 13 years ago

Owner: set to peres

comment:5 by bluegr, 12 years ago

Update on this: - The mouse cursor no longer disappears, so it's possible to play the final scene without using the console - The credits no longer crash - There is a leftover bug in the credits scene, where they're drawn behind a texture on the wall.

Until the last glitch is fixed, this bug will stay open. But at least the game no longer crashes, thus I'm lowering the priority of this bug now, as the bug left is purely a cosmetical one

comment:6 by bluegr, 12 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:7 by bluegr, 11 years ago

Summary: NIPPON: Cannot open final safe (game locks)NIPPON: Credits are drawn behind wall

comment:8 by bluegr, 11 years ago

Updated description

comment:9 by raziel-, 4 years ago

Summary: NIPPON: Credits are drawn behind wallPARALLACTION: Nippon - Credits are drawn behind wall
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