Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#7699 closed feature request (fixed)

Wii: Virtual Keyboard

Reported by: SF/vampire0 Owned by: dhewg
Priority: normal Component: Port: Wii
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


The Wii port needs a virtual keyboard like other ports have them too. (WinCE, PSP, NDS, ...) I suggest to revive the vkeyb thingy so that all ports can benefit from this. If noone is willing to maintain this, I suggest joining forces between the ports that need a virtual keyboard. It should be less work for all if they work together on a common thing than if every one implements his own virtual keyboard. :-)

Ticket imported from: #2798817. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/515.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 15 years ago

Owner: set to dhewg

comment:2 by sev-, 15 years ago

dhewg, consider using our new Virtual Keyboard. DJWillis is working on that now.

comment:3 by dhewg, 15 years ago

hey sev. yeah thats what I am using for my local builds, and it works fine. But since that backend is not enabled via the default configure switches, its not enabled on the buildbot builds.

What is the status of that backend? Is it maintained? Can I enabled it for the Wii port on buildbot?

comment:4 by sev-, 15 years ago

Yes, virtual keyboard is fine. the keymapper is not well yet, though.

The 2 drawbacks in the virtual keyboard are: (a) ugliness of current keyboard pack, DJWillis is working on it and (b) lack of "backspace" button, i.e. you cannot remove already typed in key.

But those are minor issues, and more people will start using it, more motivation will be for me to improve it :)

comment:5 by SF/vampire0, 15 years ago

Hey sev, I'm not sure this is the right place to report this, but as we are in that topic here currently. :-) I just tried one of dhewg home-made builds with that virtual keyboard.

To (a), you are right, the key-pack is ugly. *g* Especially it is hard to see the white cursor on the light couloured keys in the wii port.

To (b), I can only agree partwise here. The Backspace button works, sort of. If I have it correct in mind, if you type "a", "b", "c", "backspace" you will see in the input line "[a][b][c][Backspace]" or similar. If you then close the keyboard, "ab" is entered where you were. So it has effect, but not immediate like removeing the [c] from the keyboard input line. If you just meant that, ok. I also think this should have immediate effect. :-)

But on a first quick look, I found other unnieceties:

- some other keys does not work, I've seen it with the "Return" key. It enters "[???]" I think in the keyboard input line and has no effect otherwise. So if you reach the debug console e. g., you cannot issue any command as you cannot hit the return key.

- I also tried first to hit the Enter key to submit the entry from the virtual keyboard to the savegame name field instead of pressing the "open vkeyb" key again to close and submit it. There is also no real way to cancel input, is there?

- I also find the modalness of the Keyboard slightly irritating. The virtual keyboard like it is implemented e. g. in the WinCE port is, in this respect, much more user-friendly in my opinion.

- Also if the keyboard stays modal and with its input line like it is currently, the square brackets around each character are not really nice. But I guess (and hope) this is only during development for better visibility which key produced what output etc., right?

These were at least my first impressions using the virtual keyboard.

comment:6 by dhewg, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by dhewg, 15 years ago

I just enabled vkeybd on buildbot for the Wii port, the next successful nightly build will include it. The other points you mentioned are valid, and they're known. Some minor things are already fixed, others have been discussed on -devel. But since they're out of scope of this feature request, I'll set this one to "fixed".

comment:8 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: Port: Wii
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