Custom Query (1214 matches)


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Results (1201 - 1214 of 1214)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#11526 Unable to examine clasp on Kartier bracelet dreammaster defect low Engine: Cruise
#11581 HUGO: Hugo 2 : Bees still attack after pressing green button sluicebox defect low Engine: Hugo
#11780 BACKENDS: Symbian - Virtual keyboard distortion: The letters are superimposed on each other. defect low Port: Symbian
#11888 SYMBIAN: Add a minimize (MIN) key shortcut to the virtual Qwerty keyboard (ABC). feature request low Port: Symbian
#12602 RDV detected as Sierra's RAMA cibersheep defect low --Other--
#13043 SCI: GK1: Sound effects keep playing in ScummVM save/load dialogs sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#13059 SCI: Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness warning messages when starting a new game sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#13515 Symbian support sev- defect low Ports
#13635 SCUMM/HE: Puttzoo - Debug console room change always produces the message "AAAAAAAAAA! Help! No Room!" AndywinXp defect low Engine: SCUMM
#13981 Unknown game variant for director-Game "Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars" dalauder defect low --Other--
#14512 *.scummvm used to load game cant specify language sev- feature request low Ports
#15011 AGS: Heroine's Quest: Stamina refills automatically in hot springs (original bug) tag2015 defect low Engine: AGS
#15054 SCI: Unable to Detect Colonel's Bequest Game sluicebox defect low Engine: SCI
#15133 AGI: LSL1: Can't Try to Buy Membership Pass from Disco Bouncer antoniou79 defect low Engine: AGI
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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