Opened 21 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#7332 closed feature request (wontfix)

Reset parameters to their defaults on command line

Reported by: SF/logicdeluxe Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: normal Component: --Other--
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


Sometimes it is useful to undo a command line option which was written to scummvm.ini before. Therefore a "--default" prefix would be useful. So you could tell ScummVM to remove the music-volume settings from scummvm.ini with "--default-music-volume" for example. Even more useful, you could disable debug mode again with "--default-debuglevel" when you could remove the debuglevel line from scummvm.ini with that. This would be useful to almost all of the options. Especially for those which you likely want to disable again at some point, but have no way to do this except for editing scummvm.ini for yourself, as those are "--save-slot", "--boot-param" and "--debug-level". This is really a bit anoing.

Besides this, the debug mode is a special case where an option like "--no-debugmode" would be more intuitive and logical. Maybe that should be implemented as well. "--debugmode" then would set debuglevel to 0 and enable debug mode, for example.

Ticket imported from: #833832. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/148.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

I don't like this proposal. IMHO it's the wrong way to work around the real issue.

What I plan anyway is that 1) All settings are adjustable from the GUI 2) Command line options will be *purely* transient, i.e. never saved to config files, unless explicitly requested by the user in the GUI

That would IMO render this FR pointless.

comment:2 by SF/logicdeluxe, 21 years ago

That's a good point. There should be two separate buttons in the GUI, one for saving the settings to the global setup and one for the game sprecific setup. They mustn't necessarily side a side. The one for global settings could be in the launcher dialogue and the other one in the game specific dialogue. As all options (at least those making sence changing while the game is running) should be available at both places. I.e. the amiga option makes no sence in the F5-menu. It should be set once when the game is added to the list.

comment:3 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Actually, we always had those "two seperate buttons" in the launcher, one is "Options", the other is "Edit game" :-) The latter is the game specific options dialog.

I implemented various options in current CVS, more are in the works. Does that match what you had in mind (minus the options I did not yet implement of course)?

comment:4 by SF/logicdeluxe, 21 years ago

The "defualt" items in the list boxes is exactly what I had in mind. The same thing should be available for checkboxes like "fullscreen" etc. and for volumes sliders in order to use the global settings for a game specific setup. Checkboxes could be made tristate, so clicking on it changed between "default", "on" and "off", where a new default symbol has to be used. Or alternatively you could make left click change between "on" and "off" and use right click for "default". The right click approach could be used for the volume sliders as well. Where the word "default" should appear right of the slider instead of a number to indicate the global volume setting is used.

Btw. I have global volumes specified in my scummvm.ini but no in maniac for example and in the "edit game" men displays them as volume set to 0, which actually is not the volume ScummVM uses, as I can hear the music in the volume of the global setting. (The F5 menu shows them correctly as set in the global section.)

In "Edit game" it would be also useful to make the game path editable, as well. In some situations, people want use a relative path (as there is a feature request for that), so you just could delete the absolute part. Another situations could be the path has changed as you put the CD in another drive or you copied the data to the hard disk in the meantime.

It sure would be a good idea to share the "edit game" and the F5-"options dialogue", just gray the options out which shouln't be changed during the game like "MIDI driver" and "Platform" in the F5-menu.

Then with the still missing options like "debug level" implemented, it's gonna be a nice GUI, I guess.

comment:5 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Marek, this is the wrong place to post most of this (except maybe the 'defaults' related stuff). One Feature Request Tracker item for each request, please. However, *don't* do that at this time - the GUI options dialog is still work in progress (I usually only can work much on it during the weekend, and even then my time is limited).

comment:6 by SF/tbcarey, 20 years ago

Is this FR still relevant?

comment:7 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Status: newclosed

comment:8 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Owner: set to fingolfin
Resolution: wontfix

comment:9 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Other--
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