Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#6046 AGOS: SIMON1DOS French Barman Animation Glitch new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#6050 AGOS: SIMON1 DOS French Animation glitch new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#6143 AGOS: Simon 1 - Random Screen Fade Glitch new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#6356 AGOS: Simon1 Crash in Dwarf Cave new Kirben defect normal Engine: AGOS
#9629 AGOS: StS - Hebrew version ignores subtitle speed setting new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#12788 AGOS: Frozen character animation when skipping dialog new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#14494 AGOS: SIMON1 subtitles not showing new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#14495 AGOS: SIMON1 crash when you trigger any text line twice new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#14888 AGOS: Simon 1 german, can not be added to gamelist new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#3757 AGOS: StS1 - Bad sync in Italian CD version new defect low Engine: AGOS
#6051 AGOS: SIMON1DOS French Text Glitch new Kirben defect low Engine: AGOS
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.