Custom Query (56 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14987 GRIM: Manny gets frozen after opening the security door new Grim Fandango - Italian - CD defect blocker
#5856 AGOS: Simon 2 Hebrew - Pirate Dialogue Freezes new original bluegr defect normal
#6609 GOB: Goblins Quest 3 - Inventory messed up in FACE scene when using in-game menus new original DrMcCoy defect normal
#7146 MOHAWK: Riven's movies don't quite match the still scenes in terms of color. new original defect normal
#7180 TOUCHE: Incorrect position of main character animation new original defect normal
#10574 MOHAWK: MYST ME: Held pages look off in a few ages new original defect normal
#10728 MOHAWK: MYST: ES: Marker instructions wrong new original defect normal
#10979 Feature Request: Text box above virtual keyboard for Starship Titanic and other games new feature request virtual keyboard obstruction feature request normal
#11295 BLADERUNNER: save games may not work on macOS Catalina new saving fails, macOS Catalina defect normal
#11367 WEB: I18N and punctuation improvements pending web, I18N, internacionalization, translation IlDucci feature request normal
#11598 GOB3: French version works incorrectly new unrecognized version French, Italian, Spanish defect normal
#11940 Add both Traditional and Simplified Chinese support for Escape From Monkey Island. new Localization feature request normal
#13022 SCUMM: Loom CD Talkie starts with subtitles disabled new LOOM, CD, Talkie, Subtitles defect normal
#13074 PRINCE: Timing issue / Scene skipping new Galador, Text skip, unwinnable mini game, Prince and the Coward defect normal
#13165 SCI: QFG1-JP crash on long messages with Japanese subtitles new original defect normal
#13240 Improvement of subtitle visualization. new Subtitle, visualization, small screens, option feature request normal
#13241 GUI: Interface requires improvements for small resolutions. new Interface, small screens, blurred letters, abbreviation, language, error, adaptation, scroll bar defect normal
#13260 Support the composite palette for PC Engine new PC-Engine, palette feature request normal
#13294 PRINCE: Galador translation only being picked up in the game directory when adding game. new Galador Launcher defect normal
#13480 AGS: Support existing (Spanish) Fan Translations for AGDI (KQ2/KQ3/AlEmmo) and Infamous (SQ2) new Translations, AGS, King Quest, Al Emmo, Space Quest feature request normal
#13648 SCUMM/HE: Fix script to allow taking Mr. Baldini's picture new original feature request normal
#13699 SCUMM/HE: PUTTRACE Add an enhancement to make Ralphie's barking trigger sooner during the digging minigame new original feature request normal
#13899 DIRECTOR: Opera Fatal gameplay issue update new Director, Opera Fatal defect normal
#13995 Feature request: options could show *which* <default> is actually chosen for given game new default,global,setting feature request normal
#14422 ANDROID: Support more virtual keyboard language layouts new Language, Keyboard, Layout, Virtual Keyboard feature request normal
#14423 ANDROID: Add a note or tip in the BACKEND tab about the Virtual Keyboard new Keyboard, Virtual Keyboard, Android, on demand feature request normal
#14529 SCUMM/HE: FBEAR: Fatty Bear's teeth are green (Original bug) new original feature request normal
#14755 DIRECTOR: Alice - An Interactive Museum gameplay issues new Alice Director defect normal
#14825 SCI: CAMELOT: Don't Lose Points for Letting Galahad Die new Camelot, Galahad, Catacombs, score defect normal
#14827 ANDROID: Launcher GUI layout issues for Backend tabs new broken, misaligned defect normal
#14858 SCI: Phantasmagoria: ESC key (multi)clicks in final sequence new Undesired behaviour, Quality of Life defect normal
#14883 ANDROID: Cursor position is not adjusted when virtual keyboard is shown/hidden new orientation, virtual keyboard, toggle, pointer position defect normal
#14910 SCI: QFG4: Incorrect Dialogue when Giving Rusalka Flowers (w/Ashlancer Patch) new Rusalka, flowers, dialogue, Ashlancer patch defect normal
#14984 SCUMM/HE: Backyard Football Online softlocks regularly new backyard football softlock defect normal
#15148 M4: Orion Burger: Crash on strict-alignment architectures new alignment,sigbus defect normal
#15179 AGS: lzwexpand SIGBUS on strict-alignment archs new strict-alignment,sigbus defect normal
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes new android virtual keyboard hide cutscenes defect normal
#15311 In-App keyboard not available when using bluetooth mouse new usability, external hardware defect normal
#15333 GROOVIE: T11H: Implement support for spooky animation mode new 11th hour, greyscale, black and white feature request normal
#4129 SCUMM: MI2 (Original bug): Waterfall sound breaks up new original defect low
#6203 WME: Dirty Split - Dialog coming out of wrong character (original bug) new original lolbot-iichan defect low
#6674 SWORD1: Minor graphical glitch when knocked down by Goat new original defect low
#6721 WME: The Kite - Overlapping bug new original lolbot-iichan defect low
#6953 GOB: Gobliins 2 - Can't select Fingus or Winkle when you click on stairs!!! new original DrMcCoy defect low
#6970 ACCESS: AMAZON - Climb up/down animation breaks after one animation new original defect low
#9846 SCI: PQ4: Can't leave morgue by clicking on car new sci32 original defect low
#10578 MOHAWK: MYST: Matches and Held pages new original defect low
#10779 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Baba's pestle hovers above mortar new SCI32 original defect low
#10785 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Berries item, icon color is wrong new SCI32 original defect low
#10786 SCI: QFG4 (Floppy) - Note 'left on chest' appears on the floor new SCI32 original defect low
#11287 WME: Some games are using same fonts for selected and normal text new original defect low
#12604 AGS: Maniac Mansion Mania (MMM) series keyboard shortcuts issues new original defect low
#12973 STARK: Dialogue line cut in half, stops reproducing new gribbler, dialogue stops, audio issue defect low
#13125 GRIM: Grim Fandango: opengl dialog transcript text errors new grim, opengl, linux, dialog, transcript, 2.5.0 defect low
#13977 AGS: Saving while a text field is visible can result in the savegame name being typed in-game [original bug] new shivahkosher original defect low
#14768 SCI: SQ1: Sound Cuts Off in Star Generator Room on Deltaur new original SQ1 SCI, Star Generator, sound defect low
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