Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11483 ZVISION: ZGI: Music broke new Zork, Grand Inquisitor, Music defect high
#11715 AUDIO: Games crash on launch with FluidSynth and no soundfont new soundfont, FluidSynth, crash, Loom, Beneath a Steel Sky defect normal
#13355 Options for "Capture mouse" and "Screenshot Path" in GUI new Screenshots, Mouse, Mouse Capture, Paths, GUI, Options, Settings feature request normal
#13364 FluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup new music_driver, FluidSynth, Settings, GUI, Start Up defect normal
#13429 OpengGL with Shaders over OGLES2 cause visuall trash when we spawn a GUI of Launcher. new OpenGL ES, graphics, GUI, Launcher, AmigaOS4 defect normal
#13749 GUI: ScummVM GUI Forced Into Compact Mode On Exit Of Certain Games new GUI Resizing Compact Mode defect normal
#14458 GUI: Modern "non-fancy" themes do not take shading into account when building layout new gui, themes defect normal
#14506 GRAPHICS: Shaders broken(?) new gui, launcher, shaders defect normal
#15020 BACKENDS: PS3: FluidSynth fails to load/initialize soundfont new Fluidsynth ps3 defect normal
#15104 ULTIMA8: Option to disable the turning animations when turning the Avatar around new turn, quickturn, animation feature request normal
#15147 GUI: Strange error messages with incorrectly set extras path new gui truetype defect normal
#15169 DIRECTOR: El Quijote Interactivo (D4) missing speech, demo not working new El Quijote Interactivo defect normal
#11645 GUI: "New save" button still enabled when all save locations are used new gui savegame new save defect low
#12304 ULTIMA4: 2nd combat instance applies Quickness to all party members new Ultima IV quickness combat second dreammaster defect low
#13057 PORTS: ANDROID: Android load game screen distorted while downloading from Cloud new Android, GUI defect low
#15138 AGI: LSL1: Error in the Age Quiz at the Beginning of the Game new lsl1, age quiz defect low
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