Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Created Owner Type Status Priority
#15353 SCUMM: MONKEY1 (Macintosh) Crash in saveLoadWithSerializer loading 2.8.0 saves on 2.9.0git 3 weeks AndywinXp defect closed high
#15366 SCI: SQ3: Text Boxes at Death Scenes Clear the Screen Too Quickly 11 days antoniou79 defect closed high
#15349 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Known implementation inaccuracies 3 weeks defect new normal
#15350 SCUMM: INDY3: atari st - no sound after modifying the resources for new translation 3 weeks dwatteau defect pending normal
#15351 ZVISION: ZGI: Save game can get stuck in a death loop 3 weeks defect new normal
#15352 Zversion games should have better names 3 weeks jamie-marchant feature request closed normal
#15354 DIRECTOR - Spycrqaft: The Great Game (D4) loading issues 3 weeks tag2015 defect closed normal
#15355 Zork Grand Inquisitor does not show autosaves in it's menu 3 weeks feature request new normal
#15356 AGS: Implement custom keymapper for a selection of games 2 weeks feature request new normal
#15357 WII: SCUMM: Wrong colors for cursor objects in COMI on Wii 2 weeks defect new normal
#15358 SCI: SQ6: GMM Saving not loadable 13 days defect new normal
#15359 Unknown game variant for ags Simon the Sorcerer 1 Demo Text Adventure 13 days tag2015 defect closed normal
#15360 MYST3: Autosave does not work 13 days antoniou79 defect closed normal
#15361 MD5: GLK: Unknown game (?) 13 days defect new normal
#15362 Unknown game variant for director 13 days defect new normal
#15363 SCI: SQ3: Text Boxes at Death Scenes Clear the Screen Too Quickly 12 days defect new normal
#15364 ANDROID: SCUMM: SIGSEGV when pausing sounds 12 days defect new normal
#15365 Unknown game variant for glk 12 days tag2015 defect closed normal
#15367 MD5: SCI: Space Quest 6 Unknown Variant 8 days defect new normal
#15368 SCUMM: MONKEY1: Text regression in SegaCD cutscenes 7 days AndywinXp defect closed normal
#15369 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - audio pops at the end of every SBL sound effect 7 days defect new normal
#15370 PORT: PS3: Thimbleweed Park engine not available in PS3 build 6 days scemino defect new normal
#15371 PORT: PS3: Grim Fandango not running on PS3 build 6 days defect new normal
#15372 Unknown game variant for Broken Sword 1 6 days defect new normal
#15373 ULTIMA8: Original Cheats Not Available 4 days defect new normal
#15374 ANDROID: Log Debug level is reset when force closing the app 42 hours defect new normal
#15375 SCI: SQ4 Korean text not rendered after refactor 32 hours defect new normal
#15376 Unknown game variant for sword1 22 hours sev- defect closed normal
#15377 MD5: SCI: Unknown game variant (KQ5 EGA German) 19 hours defect new normal
#15378 Show Engine & required Version on the game list front page 17 hours feature request new normal
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